Most companies have one thing in common when they hire salespeople. The Number One tool they use to screen sales applicants is… The résumé or LinkedIn profile Have you been burned enough times yet by the Perfect Résumé or LinkedIn profile?

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Most DISC tests have one fatal flaw: They are too vague because they are for many positions. That’s why the Advanced Hiring CORE Style Filtration Extractor(tm) is sales-only.

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Sales organizations around the world continually fail to recognize the impact of understanding the 80/20 rule. The top 5% of of sales people produce seven times the sales of their average performer. And the top 40 sales people in our team of 200 produce and here is the 80/20 rule 78% of the total sales revenue.

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Want to recruit Quality Salespeople? Sales managers hire duds who “handled themselves well in the interview” but are disappointed,. Here’s how to avoid “Oh yuck!”

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In a recent call with a prospect, the question of “outsourcing the sales function” came up. Rather than answer the question directly, I asked him what he meant by that. He proceeded to tell me that he had read how some companies are outsourcing everything, including their sales effort. However, he said, from his perspective

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