This is a story a new client, Jack, told me. It is about how he met with a friend, Chris, who is another client of ours…

Mature businessman using documents to discuss information with a colleague in a modern business office
Jack and Chris discuss sales recruiting

Jack sat alone in his office, staring at sales metrics that reflected the stunted growth of his once-vibrant business. Four years ago, he had been invigorated by the dream of selling top-notch online courses that would empower people to master the art of trading commodities, stocks, and currencies. And for two years, he had been living that dream. As the solo salesperson, he’d cultivated an impressive 43% closing ratio and an average sale of $4933. But things had changed when he tried his hand at recruiting a sales team.

Over the past two years, Jack had hired eight salespeople, but their performance was disheartening. Only one hire had shown some promise, and even his metrics were dismal: an 11% closing ratio and a lower average sale of $3301.

"Why can't I replicate my own success?" Jack mused. He had used all the conventional sales hiring tools available, or so he thought.

Just then, his phone buzzed. It was Chris, a long-time friend and VP Recruiting at a successful insurance company. Sensing an opportunity for valuable advice, Jack eagerly took the call.

Over the past two years, Jack had hired eight salespeople, but their performance was disheartening. Only one hire had shown some promise

Jack and Chris caught up over coffee. Chris listened attentively as Jack described his challenges in recruiting a sales team that could match his performance.

"Jack, you need a more scientific approach," Chris advised. "Have you considered using Advanced Hiring System’s DISC to hire salespeople? It's a psychological assessment tool that categorizes individuals based on their behavior."

"DISC? Is that some sort of fancy sales hiring tool?" Jack was intrigued but skeptical.

"Yes, and more," Chris said. "I've been using Advanced Hiring for a decade. They incorporate DISC among other methods. Our more than 2000 salespeople were all recruited using their system. The hires consistently meet and exceed goals. The few times I went against the system, I regretted it."

Book a free Science of Sales Hiring Strategy Session and see where DISC can improve yours success rate


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