
What I Found Out Talking to a Sales Coach the Other Day

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Photographer: Austin Distel | Source: Unsplash

For nearly twenty years, I’ve been involved with hiring sales people. I had an interesting chat the other day with a well know and respected sales trainer. I was a bit surprised when he indicated that most of the sales coaches, sales trainers, and sales consultants typically focused on improving the quality and performance of an organizations existing sales team. Makes sense. What if the existing sales team has very few if any people who will ever be able to be top performers. There are certainly people who just aren’t cut out for sales on many sales teams around the world.

He really didn’t have an answer for my question. In all fairness, sales trainers or sales coaches are usually put in the position of working with the people their clients have on board. But it seems to me that it would benefit not only the sales organization to have better quality sellers but also would enhance a trainers ability to deliver good results to their clients. He’d be working with better “raw materials.” Consequently, our discussion moved to how his clients recruit sellers. And this revealed another issue for sales management.

Most sales managers do not have a systematic process to recruit good sales reps. The typical method of resume review to figure out who to call is usually a huge waste of time and results in poor results from the the new hires.

It is essential for those charged with sales recruitment for their organizations use a process consistently to get better results.

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Millennials, Online Marketing

5 Facebook Recruiting Strategies You Can Use Today

Facebook Isn’t Only For Contacting Relatives

People are on Facebook for various reasons: to connect with friends and family, share and discover updates, follow brands, buy and sell belongings, and laugh at funny memes and videos.

But what about looking for jobs?

When you categorize LinkedIn, Monster, and ZipRecruiter as professional career sites, it’s crazy to even think about adding Facebook to the mix.

Well, consider this: not all Facebook users are happy or fulfilled at their current position.

Although these individuals may not be actively looking for a new gig, they are still willing to consider switching jobs for better pay, company culture, or benefits.

According to Zephoria, there 2.27 billion monthly active Facebook users, whereas 1.49 billion of these users log in every day. That’s a lot of untapped potentials!

5 Facebook Recruiting Strategies

We can’t promise that you’ll become a rock star on Facebook overnight. But at least you can equip yourself with these cost-effective recruiting strategies to help put your business in front of top sales talent.

Follow Advanced Hiring System on Facebook for more sales recruiting tips.

1. Create Attention-Grabbing Media

You don’t have to be creative to invest some time and resources into making unique content that resonates with job seekers and educates the public on who you are and why they should work for you.

That doesn’t mean go crazy on using stock images. Go a step further and create a click-worthy design or quick video.

Remember, if you wouldn’t click on it, then there’s room for improvement.

2. Post After Lunch

One insight that can help your Facebook recruiting strategy is to post or promote between 1:00 to 3:00PM. That’s when the highest amount of traffic occurs.

3. Post At Dinnertime

For night owls, post at 7:00PM versus 8:00PM. This one-hour gap can make all the difference in terms of driving clicks to your posts.

4. Optimize Your Facebook Account

Completely revamp your profile for these elements to help build the right brand exposure and accuracy of information:

  • Date opened
  • Mission statement
  • Business story
  • Social media profiles
  • List of affiliates
  • List of awards
  • Profile picture
  • Banner image

5. Post Regularly

If you aren’t posting at least once a week on Facebook, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

Applicants want to know that their employers are connected with their customers and actively engaged in activities inside and outside of the company.

So if your company goes out for a happy hour, share work-appropriate posts online. It shows that you care about team building and keeping your employees happy.

Blogs and business announcements should also be shared on Facebook. Not only will this help you with referral traffic to your website, but it will also flex your expertise as a thought leader in the industry.

Elevate Your Sales Hiring Process with Advanced Hiring System

Give top sales talent a reason to apply with our easy-to-use Facebook recruiting strategies.

Have you experienced winning results by using another method? Let us know and we’ll give you a shout-out.

To learn more on how to hire top sales talent, schedule a free 30-minute session with Advanced Hiring System today. Available Monday through Friday worldwide.

Alan Fendrich

Facebook is a registered trademark. Advanced Hiring System has no ownership or relationship with this company.

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Talent Acquisition

Be Ready Next Time

Imagine, as you’re trying to get your business moving forward again, if you had had a plan to mitigate the consequences of the shutdown. Or some other terrible interruption to the business.

During 2016 South Africa experienced many protests. Most of them were around tertiary education fees. In November 2016, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party of South Africa took to the streets of Pretoria.It was mostly calm as the EFF had several marshals walking with the various clusters. Despite the massive police presence, there were a handful of vandals and pyromaniacs around. I also got pelted with a few stones in the process.
Photographer: Pawel Janiak | Source: Unsplash

One thing I think every business owner can say about the current economic meltdown is, “I wish I had…..” Possible answers. Stashed an emergency fund away. Studied my insurance policy and understood exclusions. Been prepared to board my business up quickly if needed. There are literally dozens of other “I wish I had”s.

Therefore, I’d like to suggest you take some time to think about how to prepare for future business interruptions. If you’re not located near the cost, a hurricane is an unlikely serious risk. So step one should be to try to think about what could really happen. We know how a “stay at home order” could shut you down. We are also painfully aware of the risk large scale protests can bring to your business’s well being.

It is no small task to try to imagine everything bad that can happen in life or business. I’m not suggesting anyone do that. But look at what could cause your business to have to shut down for any period of time. There are businesses that have thrived during the pandemic. Some because they were prepared and were positioned to capitalize on any opportunities that arose.

A great place to start in this exercise of preparing for what could be next is to create a checklist. Airline pilots have emergency checklists for everything the engineers can think of that might happen. It is the difference, in many cases, between recovery and crashing and burning. A check list of things to do in a business emergency could do the same for you. To learn how a better sales team can insulate your business from catastrophe, click HERE.

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