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This Client Got 750 Sales Applicants Since March Using Our System


The common complaint is companies aren’t getting enough sales applicants these days. We teach our clients how to get more and better sales applicants.

Our client Harry reports he had gotten 750 applicants over the past 5 months. He hired 8. Four of them knocking it out of the park.

Ed got 100 in a month and hired a star. Both clients are in the Financial Services industry, which is a tough industry to recruit in.

Using our system you should get 50 applicants for every sales hire you make. But unfortunately most companies are not equiped to handle large numbers of applicants.

Using your current system, if you did get 50 applicants which would you bring in for an interview? (If your answer is previous industry sales experience, you’re odds on to hire another dud.)

If you’re not getting enough applicants click here and let’s talk.

We use an easy formula for getting a lot of applicants. Then we use a quick system to identify which applicants to bring in for an interview.

Having a sales hiring system puts you in charge. Click here and let’s talk.

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