Editor's Pick

What the 80/20 Rule in Sales Hiring Means to You

I’d like to share with you something most sales managers have not come to realize yet. And why all the training in the world won’t fix the problem with most sales hires.

One of our clients, a large broadcasting client with over 200 sales people recently asked us to conduct a study of their sales team. In a moment I an going to share with you the results of the study it may surprise you but it shouldn’t.

In fact the reality of it is based on standards you already know very well the 80-20 rule. And a powerful idea that drives the most successful businesses: systems.

Yet sales organizations around the world continually fail to recognize the impact of understanding what that means for their sales growth.

Here’s what we found: The top 5% of this company’s sales people produce seven times the sales of their average performer.

That’s right 7 times more that your average performer — not of their poor performers but of your average performer.

And the top 40 sales people in their team of 200 produce and here is the 80/20 rule 78% of the total sales revenue.

What does this mean to you and to anyone who runs a sales organization?

To improve sales revenue you need to find salespeople who perform like your best performers. Imagine having every salesperson in your sales department producing like the top 5%.

It would mean a 700% increase over the performance of your average salesperson. You’d end up with fewer people to manage and you’d have to manage less.


Because the best performers don’t need to be managed or motivated. They’re self motivated they know they need a system and they have a system, that’s what makes them successful.

Now have I said anything to you that you don’t already know?

So why don’t sales managers in organizations find these great performers?

There are two reasons: Number one, first they don’t have a system that they can use to identify these top performers. They use personality tests and interview questions that haven’t worked in the past and have no way of working in the future.

So it’s a crap shoot to find the right person and even when a quality performers shows up they’re never really sure he or she will perform until they prove it on the street.

So they procrastinate and I hope Joe or Sue in the current lineup will find the magic and perform and they hope their training will miraculously get them to sell more.

They resist looking for a new salesperson even though they know they should because they don’t have a way of knowing that the new one they hire will be better than the one they currently have.

They fail to look for new salespeople because without a proven sales hiring system hirings are a Nightmare.

Here’s the answer: nothing gets you an increase in sales results like committing to hiring quality salespeople.

With a proven sales hiring system in hand you have ads that get you better applicants.

You know how to advertise the position because it’s based on a proven scientifically tested message.

Through profiling, all applicants are screened before you interview. You know immediately which one to speak to and which ones never to call in for an interview.

Your interview becomes powerful and you get the truth instead of half-truths and typical sales interview results.

You even get a system for checking references and finding out something of relevance and value from a reference.

The Advanced Hiring System helps companies just like yours consistently hire top sales performers. We’ve been doing it for more than 20 years.

We help you create a customized sales hiring system that works for you to find quality salespeople who pick up the phone and do the work,. You’ll get better candidates and your company will select quality sellers — the Best of the Best.

You’ll come bouncing back from the crisis.

To find out more about how the Advanced Hiring System works for a large teams and small, we’ve created a short quiz that will show you find the best and fastest way to have a quality sales performer on your team. It’s in the description below.

Just click the link and take the quick one minute quiz. You’ll get our best recommendation based on your average deal size and a few other factors. The link is posted in the description below. Click and take the quick quiz and we’ll quickly share the best way we know to hire quality salespeople.

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