Sales Hiring is Easier Than Hiring a Web Designer

Clients watched “live” the recent debacle for a simple change of the look of the Advanced Hiring System website. Starting Friday I notified clients that we were going to swap the “skin” of the site.  We figured everyone would be out barbecuing in honor of our vets and web traffic would be low.

As it turned out, because I violated my own rules on how to hire a temporary contractor, I ended up with a nightmare. From Saturday until Wednesday the site looked like an elementary school student had designed it. Repeated calls, emails, SMS’s went unreturned. When I finally did get connect, the excuses were a yard long and a mile deep.

After deciding “enough was enough” I contacted our Developer and we went back to our old skin.

Sales Hiring using the Advanced Hiring System, on the other hand, is something so predictable it’s laughable.

Follow the Steps and Welcome A Hunter to Your Sales Team

The steps are:

  1. Write an Ad using the model and keywords contained in the AHS Ad Writing Module. This is important because the ad is the first step – and as the old expression goes, “How you start is how you finish.
  2. Place the ad and use Social Media using the steps contained in the AHS Ad Placement Module. The steps will save you countless wasted hours and frustration
  3. Profile all applicants using the AHS ValuesMatirx (TM). This determines what are the values most important to the applicant. Top sales performers have values in common regardless of what product or service you sell.
  4. Profile all applicants with the correct values with the AHS StylesMatrix (TM). This is to check for the personality style. Your top sales performers have similar personality styles.
  5. Interview applicants who have similar styles to top performers using the AHS Four Part Interview Module. Conduct a scripted interview. DO NOT WING YOUR INTERVIEW. Better to be boring and thorough. Don’t be a salesperson here.

Do this and watch your sales hiring results soar. If you want more info consider signing up for the AHS Sales Hiring E-course. It’s the cheapest $47 you’ll ever spend. And if you don’t think it’s worth it, let us know and we’ll give you a no hassles refund for every nickel.

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